About Us

Excellence in European Higher Education

CIFE pursues excellence in EU studies and research: It is one of the six higher education institutions in Europe to receive a special support by the European Commission.

Learning and Living Europe

Students change their place of studies three times during the academic year. According to the programme of their choice, they study in Nice, Berlin, Canterbury, Rome, Tunis or Istanbul.

Fit for the job: Teaching at the crossroads of theory and practice

CIFE’s Masters offer teaching at the crossroads of theory and practice: Students acquire sound academic knowledge and at the same time the professional skills and competences to be fit for the job market and to succeed their career as “European Policy Officers in European and international organisations” – a title delivered exclusively by CIFE and recognised by the French state at Master level (EQF 7).

CIFE’s students come from all over the world, most of them having multilingual or at least bilingual profiles.

Career Perspectives as Policy Officers

Our graduates work on European or international policy in a public institution (European institutions or international organisations, or in a national administration dealing with international affairs) or a civil society body (often in environmental, human rights or trade issues) or a public affairs body (representing the interests of a geographical region or an economic sector) or in the specialised media.

Key Facts


Every year we welcome students from all continents. With a maximum of 30 participants per Master and on average 20 to 25 different nationalities.


All the Masters take place in three different European cities throughout the academic year. Students change their study location every three months. CIFE study locations are: Nice, Berlin, Rome, Canterbury, Tunis and Istanbul.


At CIFE, we believe in the benefits of academic transdisciplinary dialogue, our Masters are open to candidates from all disciplines.

Interested? Get started today!